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At the Root There You Are
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“Beneath all the diet-culture and anti-diet culture programming, trauma responses, and unfelt feelings lies your authentic food rhythm.” - Lacou

Pleasure Eating Process

Unveil your authentic food rhythm.

Heal the root cause of overeating/binge eating/ and emotional eating.

Go from feeling triggered and out of control to develop the lifelong skill of leading a pleasurable and easeful relationship with food + body + life.

Unlike diet and anti-diet culture, PEP invites you into your authentic food rhythm.

Once learned it can never be unlearned because it’s YOU.

PEP has been described as “life-changing”, “priceless”, “the deepest healing I’ve ever known” “mindblowing”, “the missing link” for healing overeating at the root.

Enrollment is now OPEN. Apply to explore if 1:1 coaching is the right fit for you.



Curious What A Session With Me is Like?

Have a listen to Kate’s session where we explore her relationship with sugar and her body. Can you imagine how your path to recovery might expand to have regular sessions like this?

