How To Lose Weight Permanently

3 words: Core Limiting Beliefs.

Most people gain the weight back because they are attacking the habit of overeating, binging or emotional eating from the outside in with diets, restrictive behaviors, over-exercising, etc. These methods may lead to weight loss but since they don’t also address the core limiting beliefs that contributed to the weight gain in the first place you’ll likely gain the weight back.

The first step to changing beliefs is to become mindful of them.

Take a moment to think of any limiting beliefs you might have about your relationship to food.

Once you know what your core limiting beliefs are, genuinely ask yourself, “Is this true” and “is this serving me”. List all of the ways it’s not true and how it’s not serving your health goals.

Once you can clearly feel how the core limiting belief is not true. Replace it. Think of a belief that is the exact opposite and it also in alignment with your wellness goals.

Once you do this you will have begun the work of resetting your RAS, thereby making it easier for your mind to notice the evidence of your new enriching belief. As your RAS is resetting itself, reward yourself for making new choices that are in alignment with your wellness goals and your new beliefs. Over time you will create new neuropathways and a mind that is designed to help you maintain your ideal weight instead of a mind that is set at keeping you stuck.

The way to permanently lose weight and keep it off is to work at knocking out every single limiting core belief. When you are free of these beliefs and replace them with life-affirming ones, you’ll also free yourself of the excess weight.

Lacou Flipse